DiagramLite Programmer's Guide
ContainerNode Class
Remarks See Also

Represents a diagram node that can contain other nodes.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Silverlight


C#  Copy Code

public class ContainerNode : ShapeNode

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Class ContainerNode
    Inherits ShapeNode


By default, users can drag nodes into or out from a container interactively. To prevent this, disable the AllowAddChildren and AllowRemoveChildren properties.

The Children collection contains references to the child nodes of a container. Its Add and Remove methods can be used to add or remove nodes programmatically. The Container property of a node can be used to access its parent container.

A container node can be folded and unfolded, either interactively or programmatically, as specified through the Foldable and Folded properties.

ContainerNode inherits many other properties and methods from its base class, ShapeNode.

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also

ContainerNode Members
MindFusion.Diagramming Namespace