MindFusion.Scheduling for Silverlight Programmer's Guide
Customizing the Appearance of Dependencies

Dependencies can be customized through various properties exposed by the ActivityChart. The fill and stroke of the dependencies can be specified through the DependenciesFill, DependenciesStroke and DependenciesStrokeThickness properties. The bends of the dependency can be rounded by specifying a value greater than 0 for the DependenciesCornerRadius property. The size of the dependencies' arrow head can be customized through the DependenciesArrowSize property. Various cursors related to dependency interactions can be specified through the DependencyAnchorCursor and DependencyConnectionCursor properties.

Dependencies can be customized individually by handling the DependencyPresenterCreated event. The event argument provides a reference to the DependencyPresenter object, which is used to present the dependency. The DependencyPresenter provides properties similar to the one specified above - ArrowSize, CornerRadius, StrokeThickness and also utilizes the properties derived from Control - BorderBrush and Background.