MindFusion.Wpf Pack Programmer's Guide

The chart can have one X-axis and multiple Y and Y2 axes. The X-axis is defined as a property of the RealTimeChart class. Each axis is an instance of the Axis class and exposes the same set of properties.

You can define the axes with its Origin, Interval and Length. The Origin specifies the first number at the axis. The Length - the difference between the first and the last number and interval - the difference between each two adjacent numbers.

Labels might not start exactly at the first number, that's why you have LabelOrigin. You can format the labels using the LabelFormat, LabelFontFamily and LabelFontSize properties. Labels at the X-axis can be pinned - in this case they do not change position when the chart runs in "Fast Scroll" mode. You can draw them with offset and ticks - just set the LabelOffset and TickLength properties.

Y-axes can be located either to the left or to the right of the plot area. This means you need to llign the labels either to the left or to the right of the axis - use LabelHorizontalAlignment to do this. The X-axis can be drawn at the top as well at the bottom of the chart - the VerticalAlignment property regulates this.