MindFusion.Wpf Pack Programmer's Guide

Resources are represented in the object model by the IResourceViewModel interface. The resources in the project can be obtained from the Resources property of the IProjectViewModel.

Creating New Resources

New resources can be created by calling the CreateResource method. This does not take arguments. Creating a new resource through the ViewModel is automatically reflected back to the Model if the Model implements the IList interface. The type of the newly created Model resource is specified by the ResourceType property of the project.

The following sample code creates and initializes a new resource in an existing project:

C#  Copy Code

var resource = project.CreateResource();
resource.Title = "New resource";

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Dim resource = project.CreateResource()
resource.Title = "New resource"

Deleting Resources

Resources are deleted through the RemoveResource method. Resource deletion is automatically reflected back to the Model if the Model implements the IList interface.

Allocating Resources

Resources are allocated for activities in the project using a special mediator object - IResourceAllocationViewModel. To create new allocation object, call the CreateResourceAllocation method of the project. This method accepts two arguments identifying the resource and the related activity. Both arguments need to be specified.

The following example creates a new allocation of the resource created above for a specified activity:

C#  Copy Code

project.CreateResourceAllocation(resource, targetActivity);

Visual Basic  Copy Code

project.CreateResourceAllocation(resource, targetActivity)

To delete a resource allocation, call the RemoveResourceAllocation method.

To get the activities a resource is allocated for, use the Allocations property. Each allocation in this list exposes its related activity through the Activity property.

Undo and Redo

All of the above operations are undoable. Check Undo and Redo for additional information.