MindFusion.Wpf Pack Programmer's Guide

Returns the number of whole working days between the specified two dates.

Syntax  Copy Code

NETWORKDAYS( Date startDate, Date endDate, [ReferenceOrArray holidays], [ReferenceOrArray weekends] )  Integer


Required. The start date of the period.
Required. The end date of the period.
Optional. A list of dates, that specifying the holiday dates that should be excluded from the result.
Optional. A list of logical values that specify which days of the week are working days.


This function returns the working days in the specified period, by taking into consideration the holidays and weekends parameters. If holidays is specified, it can be an array or a cell reference, containing dates or serial numbers of dates, that should be regarded as nonworking days. If weekends is specified, it can be an array or a cell reference, containing logical values. The length of weekends must be exactly 7; otherwise, the function will return #VALUE!. Each value in weekends indicates whether the corresponding day of the week (1 to 7 for Sunday through Saturday) should be regarded as a weekend. TRUE indicates a weekend, FALSE indicates a working day. If weekends is omitted, Saturday and Sunday are counted as weekends.


Formula  Copy Code


See Also

Function Reference
EDATE Function
EOMONTH Function
NOW Function