MindFusion.Wpf Pack Programmer's Guide

1. You can zoom any chart with axes (line, area, bar column etc). by setting the Behavior of the chart to Behavior.ZoomChart:

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lineChart1.Behavior = Behavior.ZoomChart;

VB.NET  Copy Code

lineChart1.Behavior = Behavior.ZoomChart

2. If you want to go one step back in zooming out the chart, you must call ZoomOut():

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3. You can reset the chart to its original state, before zooming has begun, by calling ResetZoom():

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4. To stop the chart from responding with zooming to user actions, set its Behavior property to Behavior.DoNothing:

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lineChart1.Behavior = Behavior.DoNothing;

VB.NET  Copy Code

lineChart1.Behavior = Behavior.DoNothing

5. Zooming fires the ZoomChanged event. You can set the minimal interval for which zoom happens with MinZoomSpan.