Xamarin Pack Programmer's Guide
What's New in this Release

The list below describes recent changes and additions to MindFusion Pack for Xamarin.

New in 2020.R1

 MindFusion.Diagramming for Xamarin


Universal Windows



Flip shapes

The shape of a ShapeNode can be flipped horizontally or vertically. Enable the AllowFlip property and the shape flips when an edge is dragged over its opposite edge. You can get or set current flip state using FlipX and FlipY properties.

JSON Serialization

Diagrams can now be serialized in JSON format. This can be used for interoperability with MindFusion JavaScript diagramming library, or for general storage in JSON files or databases. To serialize a Diagram to a JSON string, call its SaveToJson method. To deserialize a diagram back from its JSON representation, call the LoadFromJson method. Custom item classes can implement JSON serialization for their additional properties by overriding the SaveToJson and LoadFromJson methods of DiagramItem. Such classes must be registered for serialization by calling the RegisterItemClass method and providing a string identifier for the clientClass parameter.


 MindFusion.Charting for Xamarin


Universal Windows

The controls can now be used in UWP Xamarin.Forms applications. Support for UWP is implemented by the MindFusion.Charting.Universal.dll assembly. Rendering is done via the Win2D Windows Runtime API.



Interactive range selection

Funnel Chart

Funnel charts are often used to represent the stages of a process and show relative values or measurements associated with each stage. In MindFusion.Charting API, funnel charts can be created using the FunnelChart stand-alone control or a FunnelRenderer instance placed inside a more complex dashboard. FunnelChart inherits from the base Chart class and offers additional customization through its SegmentSpacing and StemWidth properties.

Axis origin

The Origin method of Axis class lets you specify the origin of an axis. If set to a non-null value, the component renders an axis line inside the plot. Bars are drawn below that axis line if their values are smaller than the origin. For stacked bar charts, each bar length corresponds to the difference between bar's value and origin.


MindFusion.Scheduling for Xamarin


The library has been updated to Xamarin.Forms version 4.4. The target runtime of libraries have been changed to .NETStandard 2.0.
The core MindFusion.Scheduling.dll assembly has been refactored into 2 libraries - MindFusion.Common.dll and MindFusion.Scheduling.dll.

Universal Windows


