Accessing Items

Items in the diagram are exposed via its nodes and links members. nodes contains all DiagramNode-derived objects that have been added to the diagram, and links contains all DiagramLink objects. By iterating these arrays, you can access all diagram elements and apply common attributes to them:

// paint all nodes with red color
for node in diagram.nodes
    node.brush = SolidColorBrush(color: Colors.Red)

// set the links' arrowheads to triangles
for link in diagram.links
    link.headShape = Shape.fromId(id: "Triangle")

Individual items provide methods that let you access their related items in the diagram. DiagramNode exposes the links coming into or going out of nodes via the getAllIncomingLinks and getAllOutgoingLinks methods. The nodes connected by a link can be accessed by means of the origin and destination properties of DiagramLink.

The component lets users select multiple diagram items of interest. The selectedItems property of Diagram returns DiagramItems representing the currently selected items.