DiagramBase.ActionRecording Event
See Also

A validation event raised before an action is recorded in the undo buffer.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public event EventHandler<UndoValidationEventArgs> ActionRecording

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Event ActionRecording As EventHandler(Of UndoValidationEventArgs)

 Event Data

ActionRecording event handlers receive an argument of type UndoValidationEventArgs. The following UndoValidationEventArgs members provide information relevant to the event:

Member name



Refers to the Command instance that identifies the action being recorded.


Set this property to true to prevent the action from being recorded in the undo buffer.


Do not filter commands that create or delete items and groups. Otherwise, redoing or undoing recorded commands related to the items whose create/delete command is filtered will cause various exceptions. It should be safe to filter commands that modify an item, change its selection state, scroll a table, and so on.

 See Also