DiagramItem.ClearStyleableProperties Method
See Also

Clears the local values of all styleable appearance properties.

Namespace: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf
Assembly: MindFusion.Diagramming.Wpf


C#  Copy Code

public void ClearStyleableProperties ()

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Sub ClearStyleableProperties ()


Call this method to clear the local values of appearance properties to let them inherit values from a WPF style. Items will have local property values when loaded from a diagram file created by an older version of the control, or when they are initialized with default property values specified in the Diagram instance. You can use the no-args constructor of item types in order to create objects without local values.

This method affects the following properties: StrokeProperty, StrokeMiterLimitProperty, StrokeThicknessProperty, StrokeStartLineCapProperty, StrokeEndLineCapProperty, StrokeLineJoinProperty, StrokeDashStyleProperty, StrokeDashCapProperty, TextPaddingProperty, FontFamilyProperty, FontSizeProperty, FontStyleProperty, FontWeightProperty, FontStretchProperty, BrushProperty, TextDecorationsProperty, TextAlignmentProperty, TextVerticalAlignmentProperty, TextTrimmingProperty, TextWrappingProperty.

 See Also