MindFusion.Wpf Pack Programmer's Guide

Charting for WPF provides two type of gauge controls - oval and linear. The two types of gauges are represented by the OvalGauge and LinearGauge classes respectively. The purpose of the gauge controls is to visualize various quantities in two layouts - circular and linear.


The most important component of each gauge control are the scales contained within it. The scales are collections of gauge elements such as ticks, labels, pointers, and so on. The scales provide interactivity and animation. The gauges are merely shells, which provide visual decoration to the shells nested within them. The following example demonstrates how to define a simple OvalGauge control with a single oval scale in it in XAML:

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  <gauges:OvalScale />

The example (and all following examples hereafter) assumes that the gauges namespace is defined as following:

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Running the example will yield a result similar to the image below:

Removing the scale from the above gauge and running the application again will result in an empty gauge control.


As previously mentioned the scales can contain ticks, labels, pointers, ranges and other elements. There are two types of scale corresponding to the two types of gauges - OvalScale and LinearScale, which share a common base class - BaseScale. The oval scale distributes its elements in a circle and the linear scale distributes its elements along a horizontal or vertical axis.

Although it is possible to add oval scales to a linear gauge control and linear scales to an oval gauge control, this is not a common scenario. The scales are responsible for arranging their contents. They also provide user interaction and pointer animation.

The following example adds a pointer to the gauge defined in the previous section:

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      <gauges:Pointer />

Running the application now will produce the following result:

To learn more about gauge scales, refer to the Scales topic.


Gauge controls can contain more than just one scale. A common scenario is an oval gauge containing several concentric scales displaying different measures. The following example illustrates an oval gauge control with two concentric scales:

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  <gauges:OvalScale />

  <gauges:OvalScale Margin="50" Fill="Transparent" Stroke="Transparent" FunctionType="Logarithmic">
      <gauges:MajorTickSettings LabelFormat="0" TickShape="Rectangle" Fill="Gray" />
      <gauges:MiddleTickSettings ShowTicks="False" ShowLabels="False" />
      <gauges:MinorTickSettings ShowTicks="False" />


The second scale in the example has a fixed margin so that it does not overlap the first scale. The following image demonstrates the gauge:

Gauge controls are not limited to the type of scales that can be added to them. Linear scales can be added to oval gauges and oval scales can be added to linear gauges, although this is not common. What is more, any WPF FrameworkElement can be added to a gauge. This can be especially useful for arranging scales within the gauge by employing the appropriate panels. In the example above, increasing the size of the gauge will cause the scales to overlap because the inner scale has a fixed margin. This can be resolved by using a Grid panel as a parent of the inner scale as illustrated by the example below:

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  <gauges:OvalScale />

      <RowDefinition />
      <RowDefinition Height="3*" />
      <RowDefinition />
      <ColumnDefinition />
      <ColumnDefinition Width="3*" />
      <ColumnDefinition />

    <gauges:OvalScale Fill="Transparent" Stroke="Transparent" FunctionType="Logarithmic" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1">
      <!-- Scale settings -->



Resizing the gauge now will be consistent.

Custom Gauges

The customization of the gauge controls can be achieved by using custom control templates. A simple control template is provided in the following example.

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<Style TargetType="gauges:OvalGauge">
  <Setter Property="Template">
      <ControlTemplate TargetType="gauges:OvalGauge">
          <Ellipse Stroke="DarkSlateBlue" StrokeThickness="4" Stretch="Uniform">
              <RadialGradientBrush Center="0.3,0.3">
                <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="White" />
                <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="LightSteelBlue" />
          <Ellipse Stretch="Uniform">
                <GradientStop Offset="0.75" Color="#00000000" />
                <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="#60000000" />
          <ItemsPresenter />

The above template simply adds to concentric ellipses as a background of the gauge. Applying the template on an oval gauge with a scale and a pointer within it will produce the following result:

Built-in Gauge Templates

There are several built-in templates for quadratic gauges in different orientations. Each built-in template is encapsulated in a separate resource dictionary. In order to use the custom templates, its corresponding resource dictionary needs to be merged in the application. The following table lists the predefined gauge templates and the names of their respective resource dictionaries.


Dictionary Name

Quadratic North-West


Quadratic North-East


Quadratic South-East


Quadratic South-West


Each dictionary contains two styles - one for the gauge control and one for the scales contained in it. The keys of the styles are displayed in the table below:


Gauge Style Key

Scale Style Key

Quadratic North-West



Quadratic North-East



Quadratic South-East



Quadratic South-West



To use the built-in templates, the resource dictionary should be merged within the application. The following example merges the dictionary containing the North-West quadratic gauge templates.

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      <ResourceDictionary Source="/MindFusion.Gauges.Wpf;component/Themes/OvalGaugeNW.xaml" />

After that the styles in the dictionary can be referenced as static resources:

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<gauges:OvalGauge Style="{StaticResource OvalGaugeStyleNW}">

  <gauges:OvalScale Style="{StaticResource OvalScaleStyleNW}">
      <gauges:Pointer Value="10" />


Running the application will produce the following result: