MindFusion.Diagramming Programmer's Guide

Animating Diagram Items

To animate a DiagramItem, instantiate a new Animation object specifying it's properties and call the start method to begin the animation. The following example will animate a node along it's Y-axis from 5 to 100 Y-coordinate, using the Power animation function and the EaseOut easing function:

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var Animation = MindFusion.Animations.Animation;
var AnimationType = MindFusion.Animations.AnimationType;
var EasingType = MindFusion.Animations.EasingType;

var options =
        duration: 500,
        fromValue: 5,
        toValue: 100,
        animationType: AnimationType.Power,
        param: 2,
        easingType: EasingType.EaseOut
var animation = new Animation(node, options);

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Example 1

Looping Animations

To create looping animations, use the repeat and reverse properties. To stop an animation, call its stop method.

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// Use this property to repeat the animation until stopped.
animation.repeat = true;
// Use this property to reverse the to and from values.
animation.reverse = true;

// Use the stop method to complete the animation.

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Example 2

OnUpdate Callback

In order to specify which property will be animated, when instantiating an Animation instance, pass an onUpdateCallback function as a parameter to the object's constructor. This callback function can be used to specify which property of the animated item will be animated. The callback signature should contain two arguments - the animation object instance and a value representing the animated property delta. This callback is called at every animation timer "tick". The following example creates a pulse-like effect, using an onUpdateCallback:

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var Animation = MindFusion.Animations.Animation;
var Utils = MindFusion.Diagramming.Utils;

var options =
        duration: 550,
        fromValue: -0.15,
        toValue: 0.15,
        repeat: true,
        reverse: true

* @param [Animation] animation The animation object instance.
* @param [Number] animationDelta A number representing the percentage of displacement
* of the animated property's value in the [fromValue, toValue] range.
function pulse(animation, animationDelta)
    var bounds = animation.item.bounds.clone();
    var to = animation.toValue;
    bounds = Utils.inflate(bounds, to * animationDelta, to * animationDelta);
    animation.item.setBounds(bounds, true);

var animation = new Animation(node, options, pulse);

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Example 3

Default Animation and Easing Functions

The following example demonstrates the built-in animation and easing functions that the Animation class provides:

EaseIn EaseOut EaseInOut EaseOutIn
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Example 4

Custom Animation Functions

In addition to the provided default animation functions, it is also possible to define custom animation effects. Set the animationType to Custom and pass a custom animation function callback to the Animation constructor. The callback signature should contain two arguments - the time progressed as a percentage from the start of the animation and the user-set parameter, used in the animation function. The following example uses a custom function  where x is a value between 0 and 1 and y is a parameter, passed as an argument to the Animation constructor.

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var Animation = MindFusion.Animations.Animation;
var AnimationType = MindFusion.Animations.AnimationType;

var options =
        duration: 500,
        fromValue: 5,
        toValue: 100,
        param: 5,
        animationType: AnimationType.Custom

* @param [Number] progress The time progress in the animation loop. A value between 0 and 1.
* @param [Object] param The user-set value, used to parameterize the animation function.
function custom(progress, param)
    return Math.pow(Math.E, 1 - (1 / Math.pow(progress, param)));

var animation = new Animation(node, options, null, custom);

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Example 5