ToolStrip Constructor
See Also

Initializes a new instance of the ToolStrip class.

Namespace: MindFusion.Common.UI
File: ToolStrip.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

function ToolStrip ([element])



HTMLElement. The control's associated Dom element.


The following sample creates a ToolStrip that is 100 pixels wide and takes all the height of the browser window. The constructor uses a reference to an HTML ELement called "toolstrip". Different ToolStrip properties are used to customize the appearance of the control.

JavaScript  Copy Code

var ui = MindFusion.UI;

var theme = "standard";

// create a new instance of the WindowHost control
var toolstrip = new ui.ToolStrip(document.getElementById("toolstrip"));
toolstrip.width = new ui.Unit(100, ui.UnitType.Pixel);
toolstrip.height = new ui.Unit(100, ui.UnitType.Percent);
toolstrip.itemSize = new ui.Unit(50);
toolstrip.orientation = ui.Orientation.Vertical;
toolstrip.collapsible = true;
toolstrip.scrollable = false;
toolstrip.theme = theme;

 See Also