LatLongRect Constructor
See Also

Initializes a new instance of the LatLongRect class.

Namespace: MindFusion.Mapping
File: LatLongRect.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

function LatLongRect (minLatitude, minLongitude, maxLatitude, maxLongitude)



Number. The minimum latitude of the area.


Number. The minimum longitude of the area.


Number. The maximum latitude of the area.


Number. The maximum longitude of the area.


The following code set the mapBounds property of a mapView to a rectangle that represents the area between the geographical coordinates of London and Paris.

JavaScript  Copy Code

var m = MindFusion.Mapping;

// create a new instance of the mapView
var view = new m.MapView(document.getElementById("mapView"));
view.theme = "light";
view.mapBounds = new m.LatLongRect(51.507351, -0.127758, 48.856613, 2.352222);
view.zoomPivot = m.ZoomPivot.Cursor;

 See Also