BarRenderer.outerLabelRotation Property
See Also

Gets the rotation angle of outer labels. If not specified, labels are rotated at predefiend angles depending on bars' orientation and layout.

Namespace: MindFusion.Charting
File: BarRenderer.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

get outerLabelRotation() {}

 Property Value

A Number


The following code creates a new BarSeries with data and outer labels and a new BarRenderer using that series. It sets the rotation of the outer labels to 30 degrees:

JavaScript  Copy Code
//the chart has no inner labels that's why the second argument is null
var data = new Charting.BarSeries(
 new Collections.List([13, 13, 14, 16, 23, 44]), null, new Collections.List(["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"]));
var barRenderer = new Charting.BarRenderer(new Collections.ObservableCollection([data]));
barRenderer.outerLabelRotation = 30;

 See Also