DayView.minTime Property
See Also

Gets or sets the minimum value displayed in the view.

Namespace: MindFusion.Common.UI
File: DayView.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

get minTime() {}

 Property Value

Number. The minimum value in milliseconds.


The following code creates a new Calendar instance using a reference to an HTML div with an id "calendar". The view is set to DayView and the interval is set to one hour. The max time is 19 o'clock, the min time is 9 o'clock;

JavaScript  Copy Code

var u = MindFusion.Common.UI;

var calendar = u.Calendar(document.getElementById("calendar"));
calendar.view = new u.DayView();

//1 hour in milliseconds
calendar.interval = 3600000;

//max time is 19 o'clock
calendar.maxTime = 64800000;

//min time is 9 o'clock
calendar.minTime = 32400000;

 See Also