ListContainer.itemSize Property
See Also

Gets or sets the size of the list items.

Namespace: MindFusion.Common.UI
File: ListContainer.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

get itemSize() {}

 Property Value

A Unit instance, which specifies the size.


The following sample creates a ToolStrip control that derives from ListContainer and is 100 pixels wide and takes all the height of the browser window. Different ListContainer properties are used to customize the appearance of the control.

JavaScript  Copy Code

var ui = MindFusion.UI;

var theme = "standard";

// create a new instance of the WindowHost control
var toolstrip = new ui.ToolStrip(document.getElementById("toolstrip"));
toolstrip.width = new ui.Unit(100, ui.UnitType.Pixel);
toolstrip.height = new ui.Unit(100, ui.UnitType.Percent);
toolstrip.itemSize = new ui.Unit(50);
toolstrip.orientation = ui.Orientation.Vertical;
toolstrip.collapsible = true;
toolstrip.scrollable = false;
toolstrip.theme = theme;

 See Also