MapEventArgs.position Property
See Also

Gets the client position related to the event.

Namespace: MindFusion.Mapping
File: EventArgs.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

get position() {}

 Property Value

Point. A point instance, containing the client coordinates.


The following example creates a new MapView using a <DIV> element called "mapview" that we've declared in the HTML code of the page. Then it handles the click event of the MapView and changed the offset of a Marker instance accordingly.

JavaScript  Copy Code

var m = MindFusion.Mapping;

// create a new instance of the mapView
var view = new m.MapView(document.getElementById("mapView"));
view.theme = "light";;

var markers = new m.DecorationLayer("Images");

// create some markers with images
var mark = new m.Marker(new m.LatLong(-22.951916, -43.210487));
mark.imageSrc = "./images/christ_redeemer.png";
mark.text = "Christ the Redeemer";


function mapViewClickHandler( sender, args )
    Point p = args.position;
    mark.offset = p;

 See Also