CellValidateEventArgs Class
Remarks See Also

Provides data for the cell related validation events.

Namespace: MindFusion.DataViews
File: EventArgs.js


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// class
CellValidateEventArgs.prototype = {}


Events that use the CellValidateEventArgs class include cellFocused and cellFocusing of Grid.


The folloing code handles the cellFocusing event of a Grid instance, which uses the CellValidateEventArgs class to provide data for the event:

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grid.cellFocusing.addEventListener((sender, args) =>
    if (document.getElementById("cancelFocusing").checked)
        args.cancel = true;
    var value = sender.effectiveModel.value(args.row, args.column);
    showData("cellFocusing", args.row, { cellValue: value });

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also