Video Class
Remarks See Also

A component that displays video stream.

Namespace: MindFusion.Drawing
File: Video.js


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// class
Video.prototype = {}


The video does not play automatically. To start playing it, call the component's play method in response to user input events.

If autoProperty is enabled for a Video component in CompositeNode template, the template loader creates getter and setter wrapping the component's MediaLocation property.


The following template fragment adds a Video component to the node:

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    component: "Video",
    name: "Video",
    autoProperty: true,
    mediaLocation: "video.webm",
    margin: "1"

It automatically adds getVideo and setVideo methods to the node class, which can be used to get or set the video stream URL:

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var VideoNode = CompositeNode.classFromTemplate(
    "VideoNode", templateJson);
var node = new VideoNode();

 Inheritance Hierarchy


 See Also