TaskPriority Enumeration
See Also

Specifies the priority of a task.

Namespace: MindFusion.Scheduling
File: Enum.js


JavaScript  Copy Code

// enum
TaskPriority = {}


  Member name Description


Indicates high task priority.


Indicates low task priority.


Indicates normal task priority.


Values are assigned to the Task.proprity or Item.priority properties.


The following code creates a new Task in 10 days with high priority, estimated duration of 5 hours (300 minutes) and adds it to the tasks list of a schedule. The task is in progress:

JavaScript  Copy Code

var p = MindFusion.Scheduling;
var task;

// create a task
task = new p.Task();
task.subject = "Math Test";
task.dueDate =;
task.details = "Learn well Molecular Biology by M. Robertson";
//the exam would probably take a total of up to 5 hours
task.estimatedDuration = 300;
task.priority = p.TaskPriority.High;
//add it to the schedule.tasks collection

 See Also