What's New in this Release

The list below describes recent changes and additions to JsDiagram:

New in version 4.4.2

TableNode improvements

TabbedDiagramView improvements

  • Enable allowRenamePages to let users edit the title of DiagramPage by clicking the active tab.
  • The control raises pageAdding event when users click the plus icon to let you validate the operation, and pageAdded once the page is added.
  • The control raises pageRemoving event when users close a tab to let you validate the operation, and pageRemoved once the page is removed.
  • Fix for scroll range not updating when changing tabs.


New in version 4.4.1

New in version 4.4

Web components

The library registers each control class as a web component. You can use the following tags to create corresponding components:

  • <mindfusion-diagramview> creates a DiagramView instance.
  • <mindfusion-ruler> creates a Ruler instance.
  • <mindfusion-zoomcontrol> creates a ZoomControl instance.
  • <mindfusion-overview> creates an Overview instance.
  • <mindfusion-nodelistview> creates a NodeListView instance.

When instantiated as a web component, each control class creates required HTML elements as internal shadow DOM. You can get the JavaScript object corresponding to a web component by calling controls' find method with id argument.

HTML  Copy Code

    style="position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: auto;">

JavaScript  Copy Code

var diagramView = DiagramView.find("diagramView");
var diagram = diagramView.diagram;


The library now includes several standard animation classes and methods.

The animate method of DiagramItem can run following animations:

Following animations can be applied to DiagramNodes:

The animate method of DiagramView can run following animations:

DiagramLink improvements

  • Set the intermediateShape property to display arrowheads at the middle of each link segment. This could help users follow longer link paths. Intermediate arrowheads can be customized further by setting intermediateBrush and intermediateShapeSize.
  • Set the allowSplitLinks property of Diagram to let users insert new link segments by dragging any point of a selected link's segment. In this mode users can also merge link segments by making them close to collinear, or by moving adjustment handles close to each other, as set via mergeThreshold.