MapView.load Method
See Also

Loads all layers.

Namespace: MindFusion.Mapping
File: MapView.js


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function load (center, [zoomLevel])



LatLong. A LatLong instance representing the geographical center of the map.


Number. The zoom level of the map.


The load method should always be called after you've finished customizing the map. It reads the data for all layers.


The following example creates a data array with locations and a new MapView using a <DIV> element called "mapview" that we've declared in the HTML code of the page. Then it adds a MapLayer with map tiles and loads the first location with a zoom factor of 8:

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// create a list with possible locations
var dataList = [
 { location: new m.LatLong(-22.951916, -43.210487), text: "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(41.89021, 12.492231), text: "Rome, Italy" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(29.979235, 31.134202), text: "Giza, Egypt" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(40.6892746, -74.04455589999998), text: "New York, USA" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(-33.856536, 151.214996), text: "Sydney, Australia"}]

// create a new instance of the mapView
var view = new m.MapView(document.getElementById("mapView"));
view.theme = "light";

// create a map layer
var l = new m.MapLayer("Map");
l.urlTemplate = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
l.attribution = 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.';

// load the map
view.load(dataList[0].location, 8);

 See Also