MapView.panTo Method
See Also

Pans the map to a new center location.

Namespace: MindFusion.Mapping
File: MapView.js


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function panTo (center)



LatLong. A LatLong instance representing the geographic location of the new map center.


The following example creates a data array with locations and a new MapView using a <DIV> element called "mapview" that we've declared in the HTML code of the page. Then it adds a MapLayer with map tiles and loads the first location with a zoom factor of 8 and pans the view to it:

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// create a list with possible locations
var dataList = [
 { location: new m.LatLong(-22.951916, -43.210487), text: "Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(41.89021, 12.492231), text: "Rome, Italy" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(29.979235, 31.134202), text: "Giza, Egypt" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(40.6892746, -74.04455589999998), text: "New York, USA" },
 { location: new m.LatLong(-33.856536, 151.214996), text: "Sydney, Australia"}]

// create a new instance of the mapView
var view = new m.MapView(document.getElementById("mapView"));
view.theme = "light";

// create a map layer
var l = new m.MapLayer("Map");
l.urlTemplate = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
l.attribution = 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, under <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href="">ODbL</a>.';

// load the map
view.load(dataList[0].location, 8);

 See Also