Timetable View

To select the timetable view, call the setCurrentView method of the Calendar class with Timetable. This view displays the allotment of resources to distinct hours of a day; the columns in this view represent dates, tasks, locations, contacts or resources. The columns can be grouped by location, task, contact or resource. Each row represents an hour or a custom time interval. The cells in the view display information about the schedule items allocated to the task, contact, location or resource for the specific time interval.

Use the TimetableSettings object obtained through the getTimetableSettings method of the Calendar class to set the appearance of the timetable view. The Style property specifies a common appearance style for all cells in the view, while the WorkTimeCellStyle property defines the style of the cells in the work time interval. The ItemSettings object obtained through the getItemSettings method lets you specify how schedule items should be displayed.