GdiGraphics.DrawImage Method (Image, Point[], Rectangle, GraphicsUnit, ImageAttributes, Graphics.DrawImageAbort, Int32)
See Also

Draws the specified portion of the specified .NET Image object at the specified location and with the specified size.

Namespace: MindFusion.Drawing
Package: MindFusion.Common


C#  Copy Code

public void DrawImage (
    Image image,
    Point[] destPoints,
    Rectangle srcRect,
    GraphicsUnit srcUnit,
    ImageAttributes imageAttr,
    Graphics.DrawImageAbort callback,
    int callbackData

Visual Basic  Copy Code

Public Sub DrawImage( _
    image As Image, _
    destPoints() As Point, _
    srcRect As Rectangle, _
    srcUnit As GraphicsUnit, _
    imageAttr As ImageAttributes, _
    callback As Graphics.DrawImageAbort, _
    callbackData As Integer _


A .NET Image object to draw.
An array of three .NET Point structures that define a parallelogram.
A .NET Rectangle structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw.
Member of the .NET GraphicsUnit enumeration that specifies the units of measure used by the srcRect parameter.
A .NET ImageAttributes object that specifies recoloring and gamma information for the image object.
A .NET Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate that specifies a method to call during the drawing of the image. This method is called frequently to check whether to stop execution of the DrawImage method according to application-determined criteria.

Value specifying additional data for the Graphics.DrawImageAbort delegate to use when checking whether to stop execution of the DrawImage method.

 See Also