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MindFusion.Diagramming for WPF, V4.1.3

The complete set of diagramming features for a WPF application.
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Diagramming Made Easy

MindFusion WPF flowchart component is the perfect tool for building any type of diagram, org chart, scheme, graph, class hierarchy, genealogy tree or algorithm. And much more.

Diagram Item Types

A list with the major node and link types that are provided with the WPF diagram control.
WPF Diagram Control: Predefined Shapes

Node Shapes

The WPF diagram control features more than 100 predefined node shapes.

WPF Diagram Library: Table nodes

Table Nodes

Table (grid) objects can hold unlimited number of columns and rows.

WPF Diagram Library: Treeview Nodes

TreeView Nodes

The TreeViewNode-s are used to display hierarchical data.

WPF Diagram Control: FreeForm nodes


A FreeFormNode collects all points from users' mouse or touch input and displays them as node's outline.

WPF Diagram Control: Container nodes

Container Nodes

Containers hold other Node-s and can be nested one within another, the containment hierarchy depth is unlimited

WPF Flowchart Library: Diagram Link Types

Link Shapes

Links can have various arrowhead shapes and you can associate such shapes with links origins and segment centers.

WPF Flowchart Library: Visio Nodes

Visio Nodes

The VisioNode class can be used to present shapes from Visio stencils inside diagrams.

WPF Flowchart Control: Templated Nodes

Templated Nodes

The TemplatedNode class represents nodes whose appearance is set through Xaml data templates.

WPF Diagram Library: The DiagramNodeAdapter


DiagramNodeAdapter is an adapter class that enables using any UIElement-derived object as a diagram node.

Additional Controls

Components that bring more functionality to your WPF flowchart application.
WPF Diagram Component: Overview Control

Overview Control

The Overview control provides a scaled-down view of a Diagram and allows scrolling and zooming with the mouse.

WPF Diagram Component: Ruler Control

Ruler Control

The Ruler control provides horizontal and vertical scales that helps users measure and align diagram items.

WPF Flowchart Control: Zoom Component

Zoom Control

The Zoom control lets user change interactively the current zoom level and scroll position of the diagram.

WPF Diagram Component: ShapeListBox Control


The ShapeListBox lets users drag-and-drop a Shape to the diagram's canvas to create a new ShapeNode.

WPF Diagram Library: Magnifier Tool


The Magnifier has customizable appearance and zoom factor and is triggered by a mouse action or key stroke.

WPF Flowchart Control: Diagram Tabs


The diagram pages can be activated through the tabs in the tray located at one of the four sides.

WPF Diagram Component: LayerListView Control


The LayerListView is a list box with Layer-s that hold diagram items. Layers can be hidden, active and unlimited in number.

Automatic Layout Algorithms

Arrange any type of .NET diagram with the call of a single method.
WPF Diagram Control: Process Layout

Process Layout

The SwimlaneLayout class places diagram nodes that represent activities on swim-lanes that represent resources.

.NET Diagram Library: Anneal Layout

Anneal Layout

The AnnealLayout assigns costs to graph configurations and finding the minimum cost configuration.

.NET Diagram Component: Topological Layout

Topological Layout

The TopologicalLayout places nodes linearly and each node comes before all destination nodes of its outgoing links.

.NET Diagram Library: Orthogonal Layout

Orthogonal Layout

The OrthogonalLayout draws each link as a chain of alternating horizontal and vertical segments.

WPF Diagram Component: Layered Layout

Layered Layout

The LayeredLayout arranges diagram nodes in distinct horizontal or vertical layers based on several criteria.

WPF Flowchart Component: 3D Layout

Spring Layout 3D

An animated 3D version of the SpringLayout algorithm. You can rotate and pan the camera.

WPF Diagram Control: Radial Layout

Big Radial

The radial tree layout is a method of displaying a tree structure in a way that expands outwards, radially.

WPF Diagram Library: Tree Layout

Tree Layout

The TreeLayout combines several algorithms that arrange diagram nodes in tree-like hierarchies.

.NET Flowchart Control: Spring Layout

Spring Layout

The SpringLayout simulates a physical system in which nodes repulse each other and links act as confining springs.

.NET Diagram Control: One-way Layout

One-way Layout

The OneWayLayout ensures that links enter nodes from the same direction and exit them from the opposite side.

.NET Diagram Control: Clustered Layout

Clustered Layout

The EnableClusters property of SpringLayout makes diagrams laid out in distinct clusters as shown below.

.NET Flowchart Control: Circular Layout

Circular Layout

CircularLayout distributes nodes evenly on the circumference of a circle at positions that have as few link crossing as possible.

WPF Flowchart Library: Composite Layout

Composite Layout

CompositeLayout is a multi-level graph layout that combines several layout algorithms from the diagram library.

WPF Flowchart Component: Fractal Layout

Fractal Layout

The FractalLayout is a tree layout that places child nodes symmetrically around their parent node.

WPF Flowchart Component: Hierarchical Layout

Hierarchical Layout

The HierarchicalLayout places nodes on user-defined levels and all links have a single segment and do not intersect.

WPF Diagram Component: Grid Layout

Grid Layout

The GridLayout arranges diagram nodes in a grid, keeping connected nodes close together.

WPF Diagram Tool: TreeMap Layout

TreeMap Layout

The TreeMapLayout class arranges hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Colors group items.

WPF Diagram Library: Link Routing

Automatic Link Routing

The WPF diagram control includes various arrow routing options that rely on penalty values to calculate the cost of a route.

Importers and Exporters

MindFusion WPF diagram library lets you import and export flowcharts from/to a variety of sources.
WPF Diagram Library: Visio Importer/Exporter

Visio 2003/2013 XML

The VisioImporter/ and VisioExporter classes handle .VDX / .VSDX files

WPF Diagram Control: Image Export

Bitmap Images

The CreateImage method lets you export .BMP, .PNG, JPG, .JPEG files.

WPF Diagram Component: Export to OpenOffice Draw

OpenOffice Draw

The DrawImporter class imports diagrams from .ODG files.

WPF Diagram Library: PDF Export

Portable Document Format

The PdfExporter class exports the diagram to a .PDF file.

WPF Flowchart Control: SVG Export

Scalable Vector Graphics

Save your diagram with SvgExporter class into an .SVG class.

WPF Diagram Control: SVG Exporter

Excel Open XML Format

The ExcelExporter class saves the diagram into an .XLSX file.

WPF Diagram Control: WMF Exporter

Windows MetaFile

Export the diagram to .WMF with the WmfExporter class.

Diagram Types

Some of the flowchart types you can build with the WPF diagram control:
WPF Flowchart


A classic flowchart arranged with the Decision layout.

Wpf Lane Diagram

Lane Diagram

The nodes in a Swim lane diagram are constrained to move only horizontally.

WPF Dialogue Chart

Dialogue Chart

This diagram defines a dialogue that can be conducted by automated system.

WPF Hierarchy Chart

Hierarchy Chart

This diagram supports hierarchical grouping and collapsing/expanding subtrees.

WPF Chemical Synthesis

Chemical Synthesis

This diagram combines various text styling attributes.

WPF Classification Chart

Classification Chart

The chart uses different arrowhead types and sizes as well expandable nodes.

WPF Genealogy Tree

Genealogy Tree

Nodes hold images and custom painting is used to achieve the various visual effects.

WPF Database ER Diagram

Database Entity-Relationship Diagram

Table nodes and perpendicular links are used to build this DB design chart.

WPF Network Chart

Network Chart

A diagram with Bezier links, image nodes and transparent nodes that hold text.

WPF Class Diagram

Class Diagram

Each class is presented with its methods, properties and fields. Different API members are painted in different colors.

WPF Org Chart

Org Chart

Diagram nodes are styled through custom templates and support multiple images and text formats.

WPF Dir Tree

Dir Tree

Use the diagram control to build a tree of all folders in a given directory and arrange them with the TreeLayout.

WPF Fishbone Diagram

Fishbone Diagram

This diagram is built by derived node classes that implement custom drawing and custom interaction handling.

3D  Molecule Viewer in WPF

Molecule Viewer 3D

Use the DiagramView3D component to display a 3D model of the structural formula of a chemical compound.

Sequence Diagram in WPF

Sequence Diagram

This is an interactive flowchart that shows how objects operate with each another and in what order.

WPF Diagram: Ternary Connections

Ternary Connections

When you draw a link an intermediate node is created under the mouse and three helper links.

"We are using the WPF diagramming component and are very happy with its quality. Moreover, we thank the MindFusion team for the individual and highly motivated customer support. Even in difficult situations and under time pressure you could help us out anytime."

Mr. Joerg Hubacher, CEO of AMADEE

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MindFusion.Pack for WPF Controls

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